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Arkansas Department of Veteran Affairs
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The Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs is here to assist you in obtaining the benefits you have rightfully earned. We feel privileged to serve the men and women who have served our country in times of war and peace. 

Our goal, with this site, is to provide up-to-date and useful information for Veterans and their families on their rights and benefits, including information on the Arkansas Veterans’ homes, the state cemetery system, county offices and links to other federal and state resources.
Address:2200 Ft. Roots Dr Bldg 65, Room 119 North Little Rock, AR 72114
Area Of Focus:Arkansas based veterans
Other:Website also links to resources on a variety of topics

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DoD Program VA Program

Battle- Buddy Info is the military based initiative of  Sunshine After Rain Ministries 10024 Regal Park Lane Suite 217 Dallas TX 75230 972-974-2638 Connect :facebook  Twitter

Battle- Buddy Info is the military based initiative of Sunshine After Rain Ministries
4900 S Lancaster  Dallas TX  75216